Monday, October 15, 2012

R.I.P. Mr. T (the frog)

Today was a rough day.  I did not sleep well last night after a weekend of Homecoming bliss (two late nights).  I was dragging all day and then in my 7th period I hear,

"Mrs. Yuen your frogs are fighting!"

Now, I have seen my frogs fight before.  One time when I was feeding them, one frog bit the other's arm and started dragging it around it's little aquarium.  It was scary, I thought I was going to lose them both.  Thankfully the Hulk frog settled down and resided to eating the food I was putting in the water.

Anyway, I let the comment go as I was teaching and then I hear,

"No... wait... I think your frog is dead."

I hurried over to my desk, and there I see on it's back, completely motionless, one of my little dear froggies.  The other one looked like it was trying desperately to resuscitate it.  With its little webbed feet on placed on the dead frog's chest, it pushed and pushed, but it was too late.  My dead frog was a ghostly white color, it had already reached a state of rigor mortis.

I held myself together, seriously... I am so tired, I almost burst into tears.  Not because my frog died, just because it was one more thing to add to my plate.  I've got grading, planning, a teacher evaluation next week, labs to figure out how to do, a booster club meeting tonight, hiring new coaches sometime in these next two weeks, finding out who owes money from basketball, and I'm running on very little sleep.  Did I also mention that I am dieting?  Yes, so all the wonderful foods in the world that make me feel better about myself have lately been the cause of me not feeling so good about myself.  I have been such a slob these past two months because I just can't find the time or energy to workout.  So I've added working out and dieting to my schedule.

The frog dying just put me over the top, but I held myself together.

Then the kids asked me if they could dissect my dead frog.  To which I thought was a brilliant idea!  Why not turn this into an educational experience?  I told them we'd have to see if we can preserve the body.

I brought my little aquarium to the back room, and I asked my mentor teacher (who is a REAL biologist) if she could take my dead frog out of the aquarium, because the thought of it grossed me out so much I gagged.

My kids kept asking me: "Mrs. Yuen which frog died?  Which one was it?  Did Snoop Frogg or Mr. T die?"  So I asked them "Which one do you want it to be?"

And so it was Mr. T who died today, and who hopefully is in a better place.  R.I.P. Mr. T!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! I laughed, I cried, and I laughed some more. More importantly, you're post brought back a flood of memories of my first years of teaching (I wasn't always the polished teacher that you remember). Hang in there through the ridiculous demands of a first year teacher. You have a passion for learning, passion for kids, and the drive to be a phenomenal teacher. Hang in there, and keep looking for the "lighter side of life", and remember you have the biggest fan club in the world cheering you on!!!

