Monday, September 24, 2012

Just another Manic Monday....

Wow... so after a crazy busy weekend with Select basketball tryouts (tryouts for teams 4th-8th grade on Mercer Island), I was definitely  not feeling as recovered and restored as I usually feel on a Monday.  Anyway, I ran out of the house this morning, with all these plans to get grading and planning for October done in these next two days.

On my merry little way, as I am about 100 yards away from the school, I realize I left my work keys at home.  So begins my wheel-slapping, hands-in-the-air, screaming "NOOOOOO" response.  Then I tried to get myself together.  "Maybe the office will have extra keys?".  So I go in, and I'm embarrassed to ask for a set of keys, but that's taken care of.  Now I get to my classroom and here's the real kicker: my desk is locked (because I keep important documents in it), and my media equipment is locked.  The keys for both my desk and closet are at home....  Thus begins the scramble to see if I have a key lying around to open either of those.  Thankfully my mentor teacher had about 100 keys stashed away.  And one of them did open up my closet to access the media equipment.  I was showing a video in class, so this was great!  I also found the key to my desk, so crisis averted!!!!  I did not reach a state of complete frazzlement, but man was I ever annoyed with myself!

So at that point I had my life in order, and I went to use the paper cutter thingy in the copy room.  I was met with a frenzy of teachers trying to get the copy machine working.  My assistant principal is watching them try to figure out.... we're talking 3-4 women pulling papers out of the jammed spaces in the copy machine.  I just laughed because it looked as though Monday has been a rough day for everyone!  That copy machine is the devil...

Oh, I also just remembered that as I was leaving my house, I also had reminded myself to do something, but now I can no longer remember what that thing was. Needless to say, my brain has officially turned into absolute mush.  Hopefully whatever I had to do wasn't important.... for today's classes anyway!

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